Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Hubby and I have been religously pampering our bodies with micronutrients every morning.  Juicing left me with a good load of veggie scraps and made me think what I could do with it. The first initial thought I had was to bake a mixed veggie cake, something similar to a carrot cake, but that didn't sound all that appealing.  So the next idea I came up with was my home-made facial mask.  Brilliant!  Pamper our bodies inside and out!  Let me tell you, it was a HIT!  It moistened our skin better than any of the moisturizer I've used lately.  Go and try it for yourself!  No regrets!  What possibly can't we do to better our healths inside and out?

1. Leftover veggie scraps from juicing, flour and a little bit of honey. 

2. Mix in the veggie scraps and flour.

3. Add a teaspoon of honey and little water.

4.  I like it to be slightly paste-like.

5. Pull out your facial gauze. 

6.  Make sure it's nicely put on like THIS~  let's beautify ourselves!

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